Friday, June 17, 2011

To Boycott or not to Boycott China products over Spratly Island Dispute?

Which side are you to Boycott or not to Boycott China products over Spratly Island Dispute?

To Boycott!
         Albay Governor Joey Salceda, a political ally of President Aquino, urged Filipinos on Sunday to band together and boycott China-made products in retaliation to Beijing ’s “bullying’’ in the country’s territory.

To not Boycott!
         Bongbong Marcos said  "With regards boycott of Chinese give it perspective: China is our biggest trading partner while we are lumped together with ASEAN or "rest of the world" in terms of China's largest trading partners. So, in case we're contemplating some sort of suicidal trade embargo or boycott, if they were to retaliate likewise, the outcome would be pneumonia for us while they would probably get a minor rash in small area of their large physique. Skilled diplomacy and engagement of international bodies is our best bet in approaching the Spratlys problem"

According to the Philippine Government
        Malacañang on Monday distanced itself from the proposed boycott of products from China as a signal against Beijing’s supposed ‘bullying’ in the disputed Spratly islands. In a press briefing Monday, presidential spokesperson Edwin Lacierda said it is not the policy of the administration to boycott products as the administration prefers a peaceful settlement to the resolution of the matter.

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